It’s been a while since I last published something, but now I’m very, very pleased indeed to announce my latest release: Everyone Hates This Restaurant is an illustrated children’s book inspired by my daughter’s love of desserts — to the point where we jokingly refer to her as our little dessertarian:

Mom, can we go to my favorite place?
I’m hungry and thirsty and it’s getting late.

But everyone hates this restaurant, dear!
The mere thought of going there fills me with fear.

So, why does a hungry little girl insist on only ever eating at the world’s worst restaurant?

Everyone hates this restaurant | From the blog of Nicholas C. Rossis, author of science fiction, the Pearseus epic fantasy series and children's books

If you can’t wait to find out, as a special gift to my blog readers, you can read the book in PDF format here. If you enjoy it, please consider buying the print version as well. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it!