Fantasy is more than dragons

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" I really can't think of another series that tied the world of fantasy and sci-fi together so well since Pern... a truly original viewpoint of fantasy, and I loved it."
~ Riley Westbrook

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Guest Posts/Reviews

I welcome guest posts, but please check out the instructions below first. I always reply to this form, so if you haven’t heard from me in a couple of days, please check your Junk folder. Also, make sure you’re entering a valid email address. Only too often, my emails bounce or go unnoticed.

All posts are posted on both my main website (i.e. this one) and on the mirror website, Contacting me about a guest post implies you are happy with this arrangement. I will not remove any material once it has been posted as this is not a link farm but a blog written by real people for real people.

Guest Post FAQ


1. Is there a fee involved?

As a service to fellow writers who wish to build up their portfolio, personal links (say to the author’s social media or website) are free. I only charge if you wish to add a sponsored link. The prices are as follows:

  • Link insertion to existing post: $25
  • Guest post with link to generic website: $35
  • CBD-related link insertion to existing post: $50
  • Guest post with link to CBD site: $75
  • Essay-related link insertion to existing post: $50
  • Guest post with link to essay writing services: $100
  • Link to gambling site: I’m afraid I don’t accept these

2. What kinds of guest posts do you publish? is aimed specifically at authors. So, any post would have to be of interest to them. Do you have any ideas for a post that might interest this particular target group? Please take a look at my blog and see what kind of material I usually post (it’s always book-related and aimed at Indies; not marketers). I also enjoy sharing little-known historical facts (like the horrific story of St. Albans Bible, Armistice Day facts,  or the fire that sank the Titanic).

I’m looking for posts that are fun, helpful, and honest. My readers expect the best from my blog, and I try my hardest to offer it to them. So, I expect no less from you.

As I write children’s books as well as fantasy and sci-fi, all content has to be PG-13.

3. What do you need from me?

Please send me your idea for a guest post. It needs to appeal to my readers, who are mostly writers interested in books and book marketing. Assuming we move forward with it, I’ll need the following (please consider the following a checklist and be sure to send me everything):

  1. The post in MS Word format.
  2. All accompanying images as separate files. Please make sure that all images are already at an optimized orientation (landscape) and dimension, e.g. 1280 px wide.
  3. A short author bio.
  4. Your photo.
  5. Social media/contact links.
  6. Buy links (in case of a book feature or promo).

4. Who owns the guest post?

You do. Once it’s published, however, you can’t ask for it to be removed, as this would be disrespectful to my readers.

Please keep in mind that you hold sole responsibility for the post’s entire content. If you send me a photo to be published, you are solely responsible in case of copyright infringement. The same goes if your post turns out to be plagiarized. I share your guest post in good faith, but hold no responsibility for its content.

5. May I send it to other blogs or outlets?


6. Is there a period during which I can’t do so?

No. You can send it to other blogs or outlets as soon as you wish.

General information

By sending me your guest post you agree to grant me non-exclusive publication rights to it. In other words, you allow me to publish it while the copyright and all other rights remain with you. You also agree that I have the right to edit it so that it fits the style and content of my blog, and that I can remove it at any time at my discretion.

Guest posts will be published simultaneously on both my website and WordPress blog.

And yes, all links are do-follow. However, all posts are posted simultaneously on both and

Marketing posts would be more appropriate for my blog. Food and Beverage-related posts can go on my blog.

Important Notice

I spend hours on the posts I publish on my blog, trying to make them as interesting to my readers as possible, and take great pride in my work. My blog is not a link farm, so please don’t treat it as one. It is a place to connect with like-minded people. Any guest posts need to be well-written and of interest to my readers. Also, my blog offers you exposure to real people. I know all of them and think of each and every one of them as my friend. So, please visit the post once it’s live and respond to the comments. I’m always shocked by the fact that only a handful of guest bloggers have ever shown up to say a simple “thank-you” to my readers.

Reviews FAQ

I’m frequently asked for a review. Sadly, as a full-time dad with a full-time day job, I just lack the time to do so. I can, however, offer you a book feature, if you write in the genres of fantasy/sci-fi. Please check out the guest-post FAQ above for further information.

Contact Me

I sent my first email from my cave, just before dad took me hunting for my very first Stegosaurus. Since then, I’ve been obsessive about checking my email. Just fill in the form below, and I’ll get back to you real soon.


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