Apr 7, 2021 | Maps and Infographics, Marketing
With audiobooks gaining in popularity, it makes sense that audio marketing is seeing a surprising resurgence as a means of promoting one’s books. This is a general trend, as Transcription Outsourcing reports. In its article, they explain that audio still has the...
Mar 27, 2021 | Maps and Infographics
When I was writing A Heaven for Toasters, my near-future sci-fi romance, I was trying to imagine what life will be like in a hundred years. For my research, I studied current trends in smart homes and was amazed to realize that the future is already here. What smart...
Dec 25, 2020 | Entertainment, Maps and Infographics
Superhero culture seems to play a similar part to ancient mythology, with superheroes being the modern equivalent of gods and demigods. So, you may be excused for wondering if Santa may, in fact, be yet another superhero. Confessions of the Professions has the answer...
Nov 25, 2020 | Maps and Infographics
I don’t know about you but nowadays I find myself increasingly often in front of my computer camera talking to friends and clients. It looks like video calls are now a real thing and not just a prediction whose time had never come. But that only creates new...
Nov 21, 2020 | Maps and Infographics
Since the sudden passing of my father, I’ve been thinking a lot about digital assets and what becomes of them. UK firm I Will Solicitors has produced an interesting infographic about this very topic. I’m sharing here in case others are wondering about the...
Nov 19, 2020 | Maps and Infographics, Random Musings
Fans of fantasy and sci-fi consume these genres in several mediums, from books to movies and also video games. The latter, however, comes with higher stakes than the rest — hackers and cybercriminals have become increasingly inventive with ways to compromise your...
Nov 6, 2020 | Maps and Infographics, Marketing
I have written in the past about how to use color in your book covers and how color can boost your book sales. Today, I came across a Kissmetrics infographic on LexisClick (thanks to Mike Guess of InSync Media for the tip). The infographic includes a ton of useful...
Sep 27, 2020 | Maps and Infographics
I once had a look at my visitors and was pleasantly surprised to discover that most of them are women. I say pleasantly because, as the father of an, ahem, energetic 4-year-old girl, I know all about girl power. Nothing pleases me more than seeing women succeed (okay,...
Sep 9, 2020 | Maps and Infographics, Marketing
The team at Hostingclues has created an exhaustive snapshot of the state of the Internet today. It contains over a hundred facts and statistics to create an impressive Infographic. For anyone using the Internet, it makes for fascinating reading! Key numbers Some key...
Aug 29, 2020 | Maps and Infographics
As you may recall, much of my writing inspiration comes from my dreams and I have often written about dreams in my blog. I recently came across an interesting article on Casper about so-called “quarantine dreams” or “coronavirus dreams.” These are anxiety-ridden...