5 Signs What You’re Reading is AI-Generated

In my day job, I use AI daily to research topics in a way and depth that a simple search simply can’t. But generative AI is a big no-no, as all our copy is human-written. I assumed everyone who’s serious about writing did that, so you can imagine my...

Skills Writers Need to Thrive in the AI Era

Following Infostack’s 2024 AI Writing Summit, you will find here my guide on the skills writers need in order to thrive in the AI era. From brainstorming to editing and marketing your work, AI can be your most useful assistant. All you need is to learn what it...

Of Paragraph Rewriters and AI Writing Summits

I have been writing a lot about AI writing lately, I know. This is not an accident, as I’m fascinated by the technology behind it and enthusiastic about its potential. Especially for us writers and authors, AI has a lot to offer. Last time, I mentioned two AI...

Using AI to Paraphrase Your Copy

My day job is that of SEO copywriter, which means I write copy for blog posts, web pages, newsletters, etc. While my job was supposed to get obsolete with the advent of AI, it has actually benefited greatly from its use: for example, I use ChatGPT and Claude almost...

Using AI in Fiction Writing

Can you use AI in fiction writing? That was the topic I recently explored on Story Empire, the home of twelve authors, eleven of whom are extremely talented (plus me).  It is the perfect destination for those who share a passion for all things related to writing,...

The Case for Writing by Hand

We used to paint on cave walls. We carved on stones and marble our stories, myths, and legends. We put our imagination to work and transformed papyrus into a thin sheet to write on. We even used animal skins to immortalize our thoughts and stories, before paper spread...

Skills Writers Need in the AI Era

With all the recent hullabaloo about AI and its use for purposes such as the KENP scam and to create massive numbers of AI-generated books, one may wonder if writing is about to become obsolete. And yet, I use AI daily for a number of tasks, from researching and...

How to Use Jungian Archetypes in Writing: The Ultimate Guide

Carl Jung’s archetypes are a powerful tool for writers as they tap into universal symbols and themes that resonate with a broad audience. Using them can enrich your writing by connecting your story to universal themes and symbols. By understanding and...