Fantasy is more than dragons

Read all 5 books for $4.99 (free on KU)!

" I really can't think of another series that tied the world of fantasy and sci-fi together so well since Pern... a truly original viewpoint of fantasy, and I loved it."
~ Riley Westbrook

Marketing Tips

It is said that, in order for someone to succeed, they need to have helped a hundred others succeed first. So, in working towards my quota, I’ve been writing guides in the form of posts about my experiences with book marketing and Indie publishing and promotion. The first A-Z deals with free days, and how they helped both my books reach #1 on Amazon.  The second guide concerns use of Amazon’s Countdown Deals.  So, stay tuned!

Tutorials and Guides

Facebook Marketing

Amazon Advertising

I was recently hired by SearchNurture to help them write a series of posts on Amazon Advertising. Anyone interested in how Amazon Advertising works should have a careful read, as this is the most exhausting guide I have seen on the Internet yet–and I’m mighty proud of my part in creating it. The following articles are available (this list will get updated on a weekly basis):

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