Writers, Bibliotheraphy and Psychiatric Disorders

There may be an overlap between the genetic components of creativity and those of some psychiatric disorders, according to a new study that came to my attention courtesy of the Passive Guy. In the study, researchers looked at genetic material from more than 86,000...

Unusual work habits of great writers

John Green has written such celebrated works as The Fault In Our Stars and Paper Towns, but not without sacrificing copious keyboards along the way. In a Huffington Post Live conversation on Thursday, the young adult novelist revealed his “weirdest”...

Famous Writers’ Insults

I often say that my favorite thing about my writing journey is how helpful everyone’s been. I’ve met some wonderful people, eager to support and encourage others. That’s not always been the case, though. Indeed, when authors get mean, the results can...

The 10 Social Media Commandments for Authors

  Anne R. Allen has published a great list with The 10 Commandments of Social Media Etiquette for Writers on her blog. Here’s a brief summary: If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say it. Not enough?  Alright then, here are her ten tips...