Unelmoija Series on sale

You may remember my author friend, Elle Boca, from last year’s interview on this blog. This prolific lady is now publishing her latest book featuring her Weeia urban fantasy world. To celebrate, she is offering all of her Unelmoija books on a 99c sale for the...

#eNovAaW Women of Words

This post is part of the #eNovAaW Women of Words Multi-Author Book Blitz ~ September 23 – 27 blog tour. I am hosting two books written by two extraordinary authors – Dale Furse and Phoebe Matthews.  During the tour, you can get Dale’s book for free...

Unelmoija Giveaway by Elle Boca

Today I have the pleasure of continuing my one-year anniversary giveaway with the help of my friend and fellow fantasy author, Elle Boca. You may remember the talented author of the Weeia series from my September interview of her, or my post on her Fantastic World....

The Fantastic World of Elle Boca

You may remember Elle Boca and her Unlemoija series from my WIP blog tour. She is the author of the wonderful Weeia urban fantasy series set in Miami, Florida. She has just published the third book in the series. I’m about 80% into it, and I love it. More...