Dec 25, 2015 | Other, Random Musings
Merry Christmas, everyone! Or, if you prefer, Seasons’ Greetings (not to be confused with Season’s Greetings). Merry Christmas! Join the #UnplagChallenge and guess 10 Christmas storiesPowered By the Tweet This PluginTweet This Instead of a card, I thought...
Aug 3, 2015 | Blog hops tours & reblogs, Entertainment
You may remember my post, Unusual Jobs Held by Famous Writers, courtesy of, anti-plagiarism online tools. They have now turned the post into a lovely infographic, and asked me to share with you. These are just a few of the jobs mentioned in, so...
Jun 8, 2015 | Entertainment
As you may know, my day job is in web design, through my company, Istomedia. I often daydream about working as a full-time author, but that may have to wait until I’m a pensioner, it seems. Still, reading posts like this, from, anti-plagiarism online...