Apr 23, 2018 | Free Stuff, My Publications
Image: GIPHY Yes, this is my thousandth post on this blog! To celebrate, I’ve decided to post here my short stories. Every couple of weeks, I’ll be posting one story from my celebrated Exciting Destinies series for you to enjoy. With over 30 stories so...
Oct 11, 2017 | My Publications
Some News First There have been some interesting developments in my writing career, among which the fact I’m now Editor-in-chief for Azure Fire Publishing (AFP), a US-based non-profit promoting youth-friendly Fantasy and Science Fiction. Even though the position...
Apr 27, 2017 | My Publications
Listen Inside is a daily podcast from Readers in the Know, a website dedicated to listing the best books on sale each day. It is presented by its founder, Simon Denman. Each episode provides a sneak preview of one of the great books on the website, including a brief...
Dec 23, 2016 | Events and Giveaways, My Publications
It’s time for your Christmas shopping, and I am here unashamedly trying to get you to buy my books to give you a helping hand by lowering the prices of my book bundles for the holiday season! E-books are the ideal gift for the holidays: no trip to the mall is...
Nov 10, 2016 | My Publications
“Each story is like watching an old episode of the Twilight Zone” ~ C. Mackay Great news for those who love short stories of a science or speculative fiction nature, and who enjoy my writing. I have collected my Short SSF Stories series in a single bundle,...
Oct 24, 2016 | My Publications
“Each story is like watching an old episode of the Twilight Zone” ~ C. Mackay Great news for those who love short stories of a science or speculative fiction nature, and who enjoy my writing. I have collected my Short SSF Stories series in a single bundle,...
Oct 9, 2015 | Marketing, My Publications
You may remember my recent promotion of Infinite Waters and The Power of Six. For five days, the former was available for free. The latter has stayed on 99c for a little longer, as I didn’t want to interrupt its downloads. Go Free In the past, I’ve used...
Sep 17, 2015 | Events and Giveaways, My Publications
As you may have noticed from the header banner, today is the first day of my Short Story Bonanza. Until Monday, 21st, you can read Infinite Waters: 9+1 Speculative Fiction Short Stories for free. But wait- there’s more! You can also buy The Power of Six: 6+1...
Jul 1, 2015 | My Publications
Remember how I mentioned that I’m redesigning all of of my book covers? Today, I can share with you the new cover for The Power of Six: 6+1 short science fiction stories. The redesign has been by the very talented Alexios Saskalidis of 187designz. Buy The Power...
Dec 14, 2014 | Marketing, Publishing
Frankly, I’m surprised this is even asked anymore. And yet, I did encounter the question a few days ago. I consulted Author Marketing Ideas, Vox.com and, of course, Author Earnings for some interesting statistics on ebooks. EBooks are on the rise right now....