Nov 24, 2022 | Random Musings
I know I haven’t been terribly active lately. If you’ve stuck around despite that, you have my gratitude! I’m grateful for you 🙂
Nov 25, 2021 | Fun Historical Facts
Even though Greece doesn’t celebrate Thanksgiving, I went to an American school so the family and I sort of do — mostly because we love the idea of a day dedicated to gratitude. In that spirit, I am very grateful to all of you for your love and support all these...
Nov 26, 2020 | Events and Giveaways
I know that this year has been hard on everyone (to put it mildly) but I also have a LOT to be thankful for. From my awesome family to my wonderful InSync Media coworkers, I am grateful to a lot of people for making this year much better than it would be otherwise....
Nov 21, 2018 | Events and Giveaways
Five years and 1,100 posts after hitting Publish for the first time on WordPress, I have now been joined by thousands of people who tune in on a daily basis. How can I be anything than thankful for each and every one of you? Thank you for sharing your journeys with me...
Nov 24, 2017 | Events and Giveaways
Thanks to a scheduling cockup, my Thanksgiving special wasn’t published in time. Apologies for that. I would have wished you a happy Thanksgiving. Instead, I guess I will have to opt for wishing you aren’t suffering from indigestion today. The most...
Nov 25, 2015 | Events and Giveaways
This has been such a strange year, with much to drive me nuts, and much to be thankful for. Among my top reasons to be grateful are you – my amazing community and new friends. Thank you! 🙂
Nov 27, 2014 | Random Musings
I just wanted to thank you for being part of my Indie author journey. Thank you for your comments and for the fun we’re having. Thank you for buying my books. And thank you for your friendship. So, Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! When I count my blessings, know...