How to Follow your Dreams through Writing

Getting started with a writing project can be daunting. It is difficult to know if the ideas in your head will look any good on paper, and whether anybody else will want to read them once they’re written down. It can be especially intimidating when you’re starting a...

Infographic: Reading Habits that Lead to Success

Steve Aedy, a content creator at, contacted me recently to let me know that their team has recently created an infographic called Reading Habits that Lead to Success. They’ve come up with the idea having read a lot of articles dedicated to habits...

How to Ensure a Book’s Success: Lessons from the Silver Screen

IN 1983, screenwriter William Goldman coined the famous saying that in Hollywood, “Nobody knows anything” when it comes to predicting which films will succeed at the box office. This holds true for books, too. However, the Economist recently published a 10-year study...

Start Writing your Bestseller!

I came across this inspirational infograph by Essaymama on Shannon A. Thompson’s blog. We get to see where our favorite writers started, and how long it took them before they found success in the form of a bestseller. Some authors started out as young as 13 and...