Medieval Floors

I’m back with an attempt to dispel two common myths about sleeping conditions in the Middle Ages. Some people think that everyone slept on straw on the floor, as you may do in a stable. Others imagine everyone sleeping on mattresses, albeit of a more, ahem,...

Improving your Sleep Hygiene

Sleep seems to be a recurring theme in my blog, probably because the wee one doesn’t let me get enough myself. I have already written about How Better Sleep Can Boost Your Writing, shared an Infographic on Bizarre Sleeping Habits of Famous People, and offered...

How Better Sleep Can Boost Your Writing

I recently posted about the Bizarre Sleeping Habits of Famous People. The subject generated a lot of comments, so here’s a followup post on that. How can sleep help boost your writing? Many writers find themselves in a creative slump every now and then. When...

I’ll sleep when I’m dead

Having a newborn around means sleep is largely a thing of the past. Even before that, though, I spent many a night writing away. Which is something hardly unusual, when it comes to writers. So many people have told me that they do their best (or only) writing at...