The Bet: a Halloween Story

Following this blog’s tradition, this is this year’s Halloween story. Enjoy! The Bet “No way,” I say and lick my lips. The mere thought makes my mouth water. “Yes way,” he says and leans back on his seat, a smirk playing on his handsome face. Does this...

Infinite Waters now Released in French

Infinite Waters: 9+1 Speculative Fiction Short Stories has probably the strangest history of all of my books. Its launch was marked by the closing of Greek banks and the imposition of capital controls. As a result, instead of a big promo, all I could do was depend on...

The Perfect Halloween Story

I hadn’t scheduled something for Halloween, as I hadn’t really found something appropriate this year. Then, I came across this short story by Kittenwhiskers on Tumblr and I fell in love. Even though Halloween is now officially over, I hope you enjoy it as...

Never Better: a Halloween Story

Following this blog’s tradition, this is this year’s Halloween story. Enjoy! Never Better “Hey, Pat.” The sun in my eyes blinds me as I squint to see Anne approach. “Hey.” She throws her bag onto the grass and sits down beside me with a little hop. “So,...

Best Halloween Ever!

A short story to celebrate Halloween. Happy Hallow’s Eve, everyone! Best Halloween Ever! Ding dong! Is that the door? I spit out a curse and pry my eyelids open. It takes more effort than it should. Then again, my head is pounding and my thoughts are as blurry...