Author Feature: Serban V.C. Enache

Serban V.C. Enache is a Romanian author who has written An Empire Of Traitors and A Heretical Divide – books 1 and 2 in his medieval fantasy series Of Hate And Laughter. His work reminded me of Pearseus, as the narration is done via character POV chapters. Even...

9 Tips to Keeping Your Series Fresh

Writing a long series is hard work: how do you churn out book after book while keeping it all fresh and avoiding repetition? Author Toby Neal had some interesting thoughts on the subject, which she shared in her post, Writing more than ten books in a series and...

Promoting your Series: Free vs. 99c

I was reading Tara Sparling’s interesting post on free books, where she complains about authors pricing their books too low. Amazon agrees with her. I believe that’s why they only start offering 70% royalties for books priced at $2.99 and above (under that,...