Feb 18, 2017 | Entertainment, My Publications
Who is Eddie, you might ask? Truth be told, I have no idea. Mary Natalie has been babbling away for a couple of months now, but these past days has been fixated on a single word: Eddie. Which is a bit disappointing, as her very first word was Daddy. You can imagine my...
Feb 4, 2017 | Fun Historical Facts, My Publications
This is a post on my sci-fi/fantasy series, Pearseus, and the real-life inspiration behind it. It’s actually a reblog, originally posted back in 2014. I am reposting because (a) it’s one of my favorite posts, and (b) most of my readers weren’t...
Jan 13, 2017 | Fun Historical Facts, My Publications
Pearseus: Endgame, the nail-biting (if I do say so myself) conclusion to the Pearseus series, ends not with a whimper, but with a bang. With quite a lot of bangs, in fact, the greatest of which occur during the Battle of Fennel Bay. This is not-so-loosely based on the...