Jan 3, 2017 | Random Musings
With the coming of the new year, I realized I am now entering my fourth year of blogging. In this time, I have published some 800 posts. Some were more successful than others, of course, during my experiments with various formats and topics. As I was looking back and...
Apr 3, 2016 | My Publications
I have a major announcement to make, as Victoria Chase might put it. My third short stories collection, Honest Fibs, was just will be published in a few days – and I now have the draft cover in my hands! Looks good, right? The stories are told by two fishermen,...
Jul 7, 2015 | Entertainment
Rise of the Machines Jobs board Monster.com ran an online poll recently, asking people how threatened they feel by robots. Namely, how likely they find it that a robot will be doing their work in a few years’ time. Most people are in “robot overlord denial,” it...
Mar 19, 2014 | Entertainment
I found on Buzzfeed a wonderful list of all American presidents and what they REALLY liked to read. Whereas I could see how some books matched the presidents that read them, I was impressed -and slightly shocked- by some of the books. There actually is an American...