Oct 8, 2016 | Maps and Infographics, Marketing
Mark Crosling of Strategic Content recently published the ultimate guide for all your free photo needs. Listing 56 websites, you can use it to download high-quality photos at no cost. All the listed free photo websites have been summarized to include information...
Jan 16, 2016 | Other, Random Musings
Since you all enjoyed my post on Mary Natalie so much the other day, I thought I’d share some proper photos of her. After the previous one, I hope she keeps this in mind when it’s time to ship me off to that home… If these look lovely, let me caution...
Jun 11, 2014 | Entertainment
This will be one of those personal posts I mentioned the other day, to apologize for not replying to any comments during the last few days. I’ve been away on the island of Tinos, and fully intended to answer comments etc, but every time I tried to connect to...