Jun 5, 2019 | Events and Giveaways
Summer’s finally here and Father’s Day is right around the corner. Which means… plenty of giveaways and free books! One Heart for You Marina Gioti’s One Heart for You is written by a daughter and addressed to her father, the first love of her...
May 3, 2019 | Events and Giveaways
I haven’t done one of these in what feels like ages, so here are some great deals for you! One Heart/One Heart for Two First of all, and just in time for Mother’s Day, Marina Gioti is giving away her sweet book about the relationship between mothers and...
Jul 19, 2018 | Events and Giveaways
Celebrate With Gifts To celebrate the imminent release of my next book, A Heaven For Toasters, my entire Pearseus series will be FREE/99c between the 16th and 20th! This is the perfect opportunity to buy any of the books in the series you may have missed. Check out...