Mar 27, 2018 | Blog hops tours & reblogs
You may remember the Rave Reviews Book Club, a club devoted to promoting, reviewing and generally supporting authors, from some of my previous posts. Today, I’m hosting the first ever ALL ABOUT THE SPONSORS BLOG HOP. All About the #RRBC Sponsors Blog Hop These...
Jan 31, 2015 | Blog hops tours & reblogs
This is a guest post by my fellow #RRBC Board member and all-around great fellow, John Fioravanti. It is part of his Genesis Saga blog tour. Take it, John! The Genesis Saga Tour I’m grateful to my host of this final post of THE GENESIS SAGA TOUR, and to Nonnie Jules...
Jan 8, 2015 | Blog hops tours & reblogs, Random Musings
The Rave Reviews Book Club and the entire Indie community lost during the holiday season a wonderful friend, Kathryn C. Treat. Kathryn was a dear online friend of mine, and we were chatting until the very day she fell ill. Her funeral is today, and I am hosting Nonnie...
Dec 12, 2014 | Blog hops tours & reblogs
Today, I’m participating on a blog tour, brought to you by 4 Wills Publishing. Hi, and welcome to The Religion, Rage & w(R)iting Blog Tour for Authors, Shirley-Harris Slaughter, Rhani D’Chae and Harmony Kent. (Click on each author’s name to be taken directly...
May 20, 2014 | Blog hops tours & reblogs, Marketing
The more observant among you may have noticed a particular uptick in the number of Twitter mentions of Pearseus, my epic fantasy series, and The Power of Six, my collection of science fiction short stories. In fact, I would call it a downright frenzy, and it’s...