Exploring the Secrets of Spaceship Sound

I love reading. When I read, I am transported to another world, as described and defined by the author. And yet, there is one thing I’d love for books to have: sound effects. One of the things I love about movies, ever since reading about the amazing work done...

What Movie Endings Can Teach Us

I came across this great YouTube analysis of movie endings, and what they mean. As soon as I saw it, I knew I had to share, as many of the techniques described here can be used in our writing, too. I particularly liked the idea of closing with a return to everyday...

How to Ensure a Book’s Success: Lessons from the Silver Screen

IN 1983, screenwriter William Goldman coined the famous saying that in Hollywood, “Nobody knows anything” when it comes to predicting which films will succeed at the box office. This holds true for books, too. However, the Economist recently published a 10-year study...