Apr 9, 2019 | My friends' Guest Posts, Writing
My author friend, Charles E. Yallowitz, is continuing his new War of Nytefall series with a hot new release. War of Nytefall is a spinoff series taking place in his celebrated Legends of Windemere universe. The new release is War Of Nytefall: Rivalry. This is a guest...
Sep 21, 2018 | Blog hops tours & reblogs, My friends' Guest Posts
Once again, my author friend, Charles E. Yallowitz, has a new book out (if I sound green with jealousy at how wonderfully prolific and creative he is, it’s because I am). War of Nytefall: Lost follows War Of Nytefall: Loyalty; a spinoff series taking place in...
Jul 11, 2018 | Blog hops tours & reblogs, My friends' Guest Posts
I often say that my author friend, Charles E. Yallowitz, is one of the most prolific writers I know. The proof, I guess, lies in how often I host his new releases! Charles has now published his latest release, Quest of the Brokenhearted; a spinoff series taking place...
Apr 11, 2018 | Blog hops tours & reblogs, My friends' Guest Posts
I often say that my author friend, Charles E. Yallowitz, is one of the most prolific writers I know. The proof, I guess, lies in how often I host his new releases! Charles has now published his latest release, War Of Nytefall: Loyalty; a spinoff series taking place in...
Jan 13, 2018 | Marketing, My friends' Guest Posts
This is a guest post by my author friend, Charles E. Yallowitz. Charles is on a blog tour to promote the latest release in his celebrated Legends of Windemere series, Warlord of the Forgotten Age. After 19 years, his series is coming to an end, so he’s the...
Sep 20, 2017 | Blog hops tours & reblogs
On the eve of destiny, the fate of the champions are in the hands of those they once called Enemy. Hated and distrusted, Queen Trinity must leave the shadows and reach for redemption. With their final battle on the horizon, the champions are faced with a long-lost...
Aug 27, 2017 | Fun Historical Facts, Writing
I hosted the other day a guest post by my author friend, Charles E. Yallowitz, but today I’m sharing his excellent series of posts he has written on fantasy (Medieval) arsenal. Charles has recently shared posts on the types of swords, shields, and projectile...
Aug 23, 2017 | My friends' Guest Posts, Writing
This is a guest post by my author friend, Charles E. Yallowitz. Written in his trademark tongue-in-cheek manner, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! Writing In The Midst Of Chaos Thank you to Nicholas for offering a spot on his blog. My name is Charles E. Yallowitz...
Jul 17, 2017 | Interviews Features and Reviews
Readers of my blog will have come across author Charles E. Yallowitz. Charles is a regular here and one of the most prolific authors I know, best known for his epic fantasy series, Legends of Windemere. One of the more memorable characters his fertile imagination has...
May 15, 2017 | Blog hops tours & reblogs
Dark times are waiting for the champions in RITUAL OF THE LOST LAMB! Death is a blessing that the Baron is not ready to bestow upon his new toy. In the chaos surrounding the Spirit Well, Luke Callindor has disappeared and the only clue the psychic scream of agony that...