Unusual Jobs Held by Famous Writers

As you may know, my day job is in web design, through my company, Istomedia. I often daydream about working as a full-time author, but that may have to wait until I’m a pensioner, it seems. Still, reading posts like this, from Unplag.com, anti-plagiarism online...

Kurt Vonnegut sucks!

I read the following fascinating story in Brian Marggraf’s excellent blog.  Apparently, a few years ago, Samuel Moffie submitted his book, The Perfect Martini to 100 literary agents. The Perfect Martini, in fact, didn’t exist. What Moffie had done, was to...

Everything is nothing

    This is attributed to Kurt Vonnegut, but as Abraham Lincoln famously observed, “you can’t believe everything you read on the internet.”  Regardless, it’s a brilliant observation!