Author Earnings Report: The Top 12 Trends For 2017

Hugh Howey and The Data Guy have now done all their usual number crunching and published the latest report. What trends can we identify in 2017, based on their impressive (as always) work? 1. For traditionally published books, print is king. 2. However, this reign is...

Conclusions from Author Earnings, January 2015

You may remember that I study Hugh Howey’s and Data Guy’s quarterly Author Earning Reports religiously, so that I can offer you the highlights. The Passive Guy alerted me to the January 2015 report (if you don’t already subscribe to his free...

Kurt Vonnegut sucks!

I read the following fascinating story in Brian Marggraf’s excellent blog.  Apparently, a few years ago, Samuel Moffie submitted his book, The Perfect Martini to 100 literary agents. The Perfect Martini, in fact, didn’t exist. What Moffie had done, was to...

How much do authors really make?

Hugh Howey is spearheading a campaign to change the rules of publishing. As an Indie publisher myself, it goes without saying that I support him. What are the real data behind all this, though?  First of all, let’s examine what exactly people are reading.Now,...