Dec 23, 2016 | Events and Giveaways, My Publications
It’s time for your Christmas shopping, and I am here unashamedly trying to get you to buy my books to give you a helping hand by lowering the prices of my book bundles for the holiday season! E-books are the ideal gift for the holidays: no trip to the mall is...
Nov 10, 2016 | My Publications
“Each story is like watching an old episode of the Twilight Zone” ~ C. Mackay Great news for those who love short stories of a science or speculative fiction nature, and who enjoy my writing. I have collected my Short SSF Stories series in a single bundle,...
Oct 24, 2016 | My Publications
“Each story is like watching an old episode of the Twilight Zone” ~ C. Mackay Great news for those who love short stories of a science or speculative fiction nature, and who enjoy my writing. I have collected my Short SSF Stories series in a single bundle,...
Apr 7, 2016 | My Publications
Here is the promised update on the progress of Honest Fibs, my third collection of short stories, written in my trademark combination of speculative and science fiction: it’s alive! Sorry, I mean, it’s live. And you can buy it for the exclusive preorder...
Apr 3, 2016 | My Publications
I have a major announcement to make, as Victoria Chase might put it. My third short stories collection, Honest Fibs, was just will be published in a few days – and I now have the draft cover in my hands! Looks good, right? The stories are told by two fishermen,...
Apr 1, 2016 | Entertainment, My Publications
I have some great news: my third collection of short stories is now ready, and waiting for my cover wizard friend, Alex Saskalides, to work his magic. The title is Honest Fibs, since the stories are narrated as an exchange of tall tales between two fishermen. To...