Aug 13, 2016 | Blog hops tours & reblogs, Fun Historical Facts
Fantasy Tip from the Past: Poisons and the Bezoar Since July, my epic fantasy series, Pearseus, has had a new intro: the scene where the mysterious Whispers hand Styx the poison that will make her justice. Once again, the inspiration for this was taken from history,...
Aug 1, 2016 | Fun Historical Facts, Random Musings
Six-year-old Onfim stifled a yawn. His teacher was droning on and on about Old Russian alphabet, but Onfim had had enough scrawling letters onto his birchbark notebook. His mind wandered to the really exciting things that Novgorod in 1220 AD had to offer: brave...
Jul 14, 2016 | Fun Historical Facts, Random Musings
I debated posting this for a while. I hate standing on a soap box, and this is a blog about books, not politics. But there’s so much going on worldwide at the moment that I’ve started feeling like an ostrich, hiding my head in the sand. What gave me the...
Jul 4, 2016 | Events and Giveaways, Fun Historical Facts
I interrupt my multi-part series in ancient and Medieval wonders for a quick nod to my friends over the Atlantic. In honor of today’s Independence Day, here is the amazing tale of one of the best-known symbols of all time: the dollar, or $. No keyboard is...
Aug 28, 2014 | Entertainment
Holiday Revelations… As you know, I’m fresh back from my holidays, so here’s a little sharing. First of all, many thanks to the lovely Michelle Proulx, whose Imminent Danger bookmarks and related swag were waiting for us upon our arrival! Yay! We...
Feb 21, 2014 | Fun Historical Facts, My Guest posts
Women feature prominently on Pearseus. But what was their place in the antiquity that inspired the book? An abridged version of this piece was posted on Bravebird Publishing. Women in history: truth stranger than fiction “People ran around her, shouting and...