How to Recover a Hacked Facebook Account

This seems to happen more often than I’d like: someone lets you know that they received a Facebook message from you, usually asking for money. Only, you never sent one (duh). You were hacked! So what do you do next? An alltop9 post has the steps you should...

The Hackable Internet of Things

In my book, A Heaven for Toasters (which, by the way, is FREE until the 20th), a zoomer (flying car) is hacked and made to crash. As with all things futuristic, I based this on current trends. One of these is the so-called Internet of Things: a common language that...

Apologies for the Trouble!

This hasn’t been a good week for web companies. Facebook, WhatsUp, Instagram, Google Drive, and Gmail came under unspecified attacks and had trouble or even went offline for hours. In the case of Facebook, the troubles lasted some 48 hours, making this the worst...

Have You Been Pwned?

This is an unusual topic, but it touches upon so many of us that I had to ask: have you received one of those threatening emails that claim to have hacked your computer and/or camera and recorded you pleasing yourself? They then ask for a large amount of money paid in...

Was your Twitter account hacked?

I keep receiving tweets and DMs with shortened links that lead to non-existent pages. Even worse, they lead to the kind of page that crashes your PC and has you worried that you’ve caught a virus. Obviously, it’s not my friends that have sent me this, but...