How to Recover a Hacked Facebook Account

This seems to happen more often than I’d like: someone lets you know that they received a Facebook message from you, usually asking for money. Only, you never sent one (duh). You were hacked! So what do you do next? An alltop9 post has the steps you should...

Facebook Appeal Script

Have you been running Facebook ads for your books and found your ad account disabled at some point? If so, then you’ll find this Facebook appeal script that InSync Media’s SEO guru, Mike Guess, shared with me a godsend. The top 3 strategies that Facebook...

Infographic: How Relevant is Facebook?

Toward the end of last year, I stopped using Facebook for my book Ads. Whereas a few years ago I was enjoying a healthy Return on Investment (ROI), generating around 80c of profit on each advertising dollar I spent, that amount had steadily been decreasing over the...

What Facebook’s Latest Changes Mean for you

Facebook has been under intense pressure lately. On one hand, both public and private bodies scrutinize its every move, worried about privacy issues and undemocratic material posted online. On the other, shareholders are troubled by dwindling membership. So, Facebook...

Infographic: Facebook Ads Placements

Even though I’ve personally switched from Facebook Ads to Amazon and Bookbub ones, I’m well aware that Facebook advertising is far from dead. However, every Facebook update seems to change everything, including where you can advertise. Adding to the...

J. Scott Coatsworth: Writing is Hard

Author J. Scott Coatsworth recently shared on his blog a post titled Writing is Hard, which struck a chord with me. I’m sharing here a lightly edited version of his original post (with his permission, of course) and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did 🙂 Writing...

Goodbye, Google+

Google+, Google’s answer to Facebook, announced a few days ago in a simple blog post that the company will be “sunsetting consumer Google+.” Almost hidden within talk of Project Strobe (a sort of audit for third-party apps and data privacy) was this...

Facebook Ads News: Changes in Targeting

Unless you spend most of your time under a rock, you will have heard of Facebook’s troubles regarding its cavalier use of its user’s personal data. Zuckerberg was grilled in Congress and they were recently fined £500,000 for their role in the big Cambridge...