Mar 21, 2019 | Maps and Infographics, Marketing
Even though I’ve personally switched from Facebook Ads to Amazon and Bookbub ones, I’m well aware that Facebook advertising is far from dead. However, every Facebook update seems to change everything, including where you can advertise. Adding to the...
Jul 31, 2018 | Marketing, My friends' Guest Posts
You may remember Ilan Nass of Taktical Digital from his recent post, The Essential Facebook Metrics for Authors. This post, also by Ilan, can be considered as part two. It was first published on Istomedia’s blog. Tips & Tricks to Get More From Your Facebook...
Jul 7, 2018 | Marketing, My friends' Guest Posts
This is a guest post by Ilan Nass. The Essential Facebook Metrics for Authors Facebook Ads are useful to marketers because they offer the chance to track a wide range of metrics. However, determining how effective a campaign actually is requires understanding which...