May 7, 2019 | Marketing, My friends' Guest Posts
So far, I’ve never attended a book fair, but will probably do so here in Greece. So, I found this guest post by Elaine Bennett of particular interest. I hope you, too, enjoy it! Elaine is a marketing specialist-turned blogger, currently writing for Bizzmark...
Aug 25, 2018 | My friends' Guest Posts, Writing
You may remember Elaine Bennett, a marketing specialist-turned blogger, currently writing for Bizzmark Blog. She recently shared with us 4 Simple Marketing Strategies for Promoting your Book. Today, she’s dealing with another hot topic, that of the increasing...
Jul 23, 2018 | Marketing, My friends' Guest Posts
This blog tends to offer rather advanced book marketing tips. Sometimes, though, I forget that there are a lot of authors who may be overwhelmed by posts about ROI, essential ad metrics, KENP counts, and AcOS. So, here is a guest post by Elaine Bennett, a marketing...