In Honor of Notre Dame

As I’m sure you all know, Notre Dame was burned down on Monday evening. I had another post scheduled for today but had to share a couple of thoughts about the devastating fire which destroyed one of Europe’s — and Christianity’s — icons....

E-mail Etiquette Across the World

I was reading NAKED WORDS 2.0: The Effective 157-Word Email by Gisela Hausmann the other day. This is a book that explains how to write the ideal email. Most of the things Gisela was saying made perfect sense. Others, not so much. I attributed this to cultural...

Cultural (P)references and Marketing

“A university lecturer, huh? So, how much do you make?” I almost choked on my wine, narrowly avoiding showering my shirt with red droplets . In the UK, where I lived at the time, this was a question you would never, ever ask – even your best friend. And yet, the cute...

Your Fish Has Got Away and other Unusual Translations

The original, short version of this post was written for the Book Marketing Tools blog. This longer version was written as a guest post for Vanessa Finaughty’s blog. One of the best ideas of Douglas Adams had to be the Babelfish. Just stick it into your ear and...