Oct 19, 2015 | My Publications
The Greek edition of Musiville, my second children’s book, is now ready! The English one is in the capable hands of Alexios Saskalidis, which means I’ll probably be able to launch it real soon – possible by the week’s end. In the meantime, here...
Jul 3, 2015 | Interviews Features and Reviews
Update! Enter the Goodreads giveawayto win a free copy of Unelmoija: Paradox! Goodreads Book Giveaway 9781932534061 by Elle Boca Giveaway ends July 14, 2015. See the giveaway details at Goodreads. Enter Giveaway You may remember Elle Boca and her urban fantasy Weeia...
Jul 1, 2015 | My Publications
Remember how I mentioned that I’m redesigning all of of my book covers? Today, I can share with you the new cover for The Power of Six: 6+1 short science fiction stories. The redesign has been by the very talented Alexios Saskalidis of 187designz. Buy The Power...
Jun 11, 2015 | My Publications
You may remember how I mentioned the other day I had rated my book covers and the Pearseus ones had not done so well. Partly as a result, I was having them redesigned. The redesign was done by Alexios Saskalidis of 187Designz. He’s a great designer, easy to work...
Jun 6, 2015 | Interviews Features and Reviews
You may remember the ground-breaking Nonlocal Science Fiction magazine from my February cover reveal, or from my interview with publisher Dan Dombrowski. Yes, the one that included “Shoot the Devil,” a short story by yours truly. The second issue will be...
May 15, 2015 | Interviews Features and Reviews
Anyone who visits my blog will certainly know my good friend and successful Indie author, Charles E. Yallowitz. You probably remember him from his recent guest post, What I’ve Learned or my author feature. Well, Charles recently finished a short story called Ichabod...
Mar 18, 2015 | Blog hops tours & reblogs
Shannon A. Thompson is one of my favorite young authors. Not only was this gorgeous lady first published at 16, but she’s crammed into her 23 years more writing and publishing experience than most of us will ever do. She’s here today to reveal...
Feb 20, 2015 | My Publications
After long deliberation and thanks to your valuable feedback, I have tried another variation on Vigil’s cover: The background color is close to #3, only a tad lighter, in order to work with the text’s red hues. However, so many of you liked #1, that...
Feb 3, 2015 | Interviews Features and Reviews
You may remember Nonlocal Science Fiction from my interview with publisher Dan Dombrowski. The magazine is the first publication of 33rd Street Digital Press, a new publishing company built from the ground up to work with independent authors. It aims to utilize all of...
Dec 17, 2014 | Blog hops tours & reblogs
I’d like to share with you a cover reveal today! The talented L.A. Starkey has revealed the cover for her latest book, Descent. This is the third book in her YA paranormal romance series, Soul Keeper. It is expected to be released in January 2015. What’s...