Responding to Negative Reviews

Mark Lindsey of Enplug has written an interesting article with tips on how to respond to negative reviews on social media. There seem to be two schools of thought when it comes to reviews. The first is that reviewers need to feel that Amazon is a safe space where they...

The Indie Writer’s Handbook

I was lucky enough to be sent an ARC for The Indie Writer’s Handbook by one of my favorite authors, David Wind. David has included a kind mention to this blog in his book, which is specifically aimed at Indies, hence the ARC. “A great primer for new Indie...

Bookwraiths Reviews Pearseus: Rise of the Prince

I don’t normally post reviews of my work, but I couldn’t help it this time. I’ve been following Bookwraiths for a while now, enjoying Wendel’s excellent reviews of fantasy and science fiction works. He has introduced me to a number of great...