Oct 3, 2016 | Random Musings
As some of you may remember, today is our anniversary, and I thought I’d share a special post. Some of you (yes, Debby, I’m looking at you) have been complaining it’s been a while since you saw our baby girl, so I’m happy to report that...
Jan 16, 2016 | Other, Random Musings
Since you all enjoyed my post on Mary Natalie so much the other day, I thought I’d share some proper photos of her. After the previous one, I hope she keeps this in mind when it’s time to ship me off to that home… If these look lovely, let me caution...
Jan 12, 2016 | Entertainment, Other, Random Musings
Dedicated to my blonde author friend, Lucy, this post was inspired by a friend commented that I was rather phlegmatic in my approach to the new baby. I wasn’t sure what she meant, as, in fact, I feel ecstatic about it. So, I looked it up. The word comes from...
Dec 10, 2015 | Events and Giveaways, Other, Random Musings
After 9 long months, we are finally able to unwrap that third controller. Please join me in welcoming to the world Player 3, aka Marie Nathalie. Born a little over 3 kilos about an hour ago, she’s the spitting image of me. Scary stuff…
Jun 13, 2014 | Interviews Features and Reviews
Baby is one of the more unusual books I’ve read, combining strong elements from two genres seldom seen together: western and science fiction. There is a whole lot of other influences, though, including thriller; romance; environmentalism; religion and...