Overlooked Books – Authors’ Edition

Bookrwaiths has kindly included my two cents in this awesome post of overlooked books. Enjoy, and may you find many a forgotten gem here. As a lover of books, I’m always on the lookout for the next great one. Whether it be reading reviews, asking friends, or digging...

Writers, Bibliotheraphy and Psychiatric Disorders

There may be an overlap between the genetic components of creativity and those of some psychiatric disorders, according to a new study that came to my attention courtesy of the Passive Guy. In the study, researchers looked at genetic material from more than 86,000...

Unusual Jobs Held by Famous Writers

As you may know, my day job is in web design, through my company, Istomedia. I often daydream about working as a full-time author, but that may have to wait until I’m a pensioner, it seems. Still, reading posts like this, from Unplag.com, anti-plagiarism online...

Famous Writers’ Insults

I often say that my favorite thing about my writing journey is how helpful everyone’s been. I’ve met some wonderful people, eager to support and encourage others. That’s not always been the case, though. Indeed, when authors get mean, the results can...

Four tips for becoming a mega-brand author

I was browsing through the BBC website when I saw an article on how authors become mega-brands.  I am obviously very, very far away from becoming a mega-brand with millions of sales and adoring fans – I mean, even my (Greek) mom can’t read my (English) books, so...

What readers look for in a book

What are readers looking for in a book? I was reading a BookBaby post, that detailed what award judges are looking for in a book, when it struck me: isn’t this exactly what readers are looking for in a book, too? The five most important characteristics mentioned...