Apr 25, 2019 | Marketing, Writing
Writing a book is hard. Still, I’d rather write a 5-novel series than a book blurb. And when it comes to writing a couple of paragraphs about me, aka Author Bio, well, that’s when I really freak out! Why is it so darn hard telling the world a few things...
Feb 13, 2016 | Blog hops tours & reblogs, Writing
Lucy, my lovely blonde blogger/writer friend, recently had a guest post by Rachael Ritchey, on the subject of writing the perfect headline for your posts. It mentioned the Headline Analyzer; a free tool by CoSchedule that checks your title using a number of criteria,...
Sep 27, 2014 | My friends' Guest Posts, Publishing
Cindy Bates is a freelance writer and blogger. She has kindly shared with me this guest post, on some mistakes made by new new authors. Aaand… take it Cindy! 🙂 The 10 Biggest Mistakes New Authors Make New authors are going to make newbie mistakes–it is...