Facebook Floods Amazon With Fake Reviews

As you know, comments on an Amazon page can make or break a product. That’s why the company says that more than 99 percent of its reviews are legitimate because they are written by real shoppers who aren’t paid for them. But a Washington Post examination by...

An Elegant Solution To Review Blues: BookGeeBee

One of the most common issues facing authors, Indies in particular, is getting reviews. How do you match your work with potentials readers who enjoy reviewing? This can be harder than me successfully reading a map (don’t ask), especially if you write in a...

Updates on Amazon Giveaways and Vanishing Reviews

Update: Amazon has ceased offering Giveaways as of October 31st, 2019. I maintain the post below for archive purposes only. An Update on Amazon Giveaways In my recent post on how to set up an Amazon Giveaway, I had said that Amazon won’t allow you to give away...