In my capacity as content creator, I use AI writing tools every day. One thing that never fails to impress me is how versatile they are, as they can be used for so many different needs and purposes.

For example, I have been working on a series of posts that explain to people how to use Amazon ads. Doing this helped me realize that AI tools are perfect for educative purposes – from teaching marketing to helping students learn English as a foreign language.

Here are some of the many ways I can think of in which AI tools can be used in education.

AI can speed up research assistance

AI can quickly gather and synthesize information from a vast array of sources. As I lack the time to check out every single source, this is particularly useful for educational content where you need both accuracy and comprehensiveness. AI helps me summarize research papers, highlight key points in articles, and even suggest relevant studies or sources that I may have overlooked.

AI grammar checkers can teach grammatical concepts and correct errors

While we don’t really think of them as part of the AI revolution, grammar checkers are perhaps one of the most popular online writing tools used nowadays. They have a simple and straightforward function – to read the content you give them and point out any errors.

Good grammar checkers – like Grammar Check – come with several features and perks that make them more efficient at finding errors and helping users correct them. For example, different types of errors are often highlighted with a different color so that they can be easily recognized. Plus, when you click on each of the errors, an explanation is provided along with the correct suggestion. This particular feature makes such tools perfect for educative purposes.

AI tools can thus improve the clarity, grammar, and style of written content, making it more understandable and engaging.

AI tools can offer analytics and feedback

AI-driven analytics can provide insights into how learners interact with content. This includes which parts are most engaging, where learners typically drop off, and what types of content are most effective. This feedback is invaluable for content creators to refine and improve their educational materials.

AI can also analyze current trends and suggest relevant topics that are likely to interest and engage learners. This helps in keeping the educational content current and relevant.

AI paraphrasers can help in vocabulary building

AI paraphrasing tools are commonly used, although not always the right way. For example, students often use them to paraphrase an existing piece of content attributed to someone else so they can claim it as their own. This type of plagiarism has tarnished the reputation of paraphrasing tools in the world of academia.

However, when used correctly, these tools can be great for educational purposes.

For example, they can help students improve their vocabulary since paraphrasing tools are great for adding synonyms and replacing phrases. An educator wishing to use this as a learning exercise can get some content that’s rich in verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. The students can then put that content through an AI paraphrasing tool, noting any changed words and what replacements have been added. They can then learn about the meanings of said words and add them to their own vocabulary.

Here is a screenshot from  Paraphrase Online, an AI paraphrasing tool that paraphrases a given piece of text:

Plagiarism Check

Speaking of plagiarism, plagiarism checks are essential for educational content, as both educators and marketers need to ensure that all content is original. AI tools can scan vast databases to ensure that the content is unique and not inadvertently plagiarized.

AI summarizers can help in condensing information and making it more understandable

AI summarizing tools are tools that create a brief summary from a given piece of text, letting users condense information from a large piece of content into an easily usable piece of text.

For example, a summarizing tool can be used to shorten a case study while encapsulating the main points. This can make the understanding process quicker.

Another way in which summarizing tools can be used for educative purposes is that they can show students how they can effectively create summaries. When the tool creates the summary, users can see what information it omits and what sentences it ignores. They can then use that same method or pattern themselves.

Some Do’s and Don’ts of Using AI Tools for Educative Purposes

Is AI sentient? I don’t know, but I do know that AI is an amazing tool. As such, it comes with some dos and don’ts:

Dos Don’ts
Pick efficient tools Pick unreliable or shady tools from Google’s 5th page
Pick tools from reliable publishers to avoid security concerns Rely on these tools completely by delegating entire tasks to them
Use these tools constructively, i.e., in tandem with human effort Use them when there are express guidelines prohibiting their use

If you keep these in mind, incorporating AI into the content creation process can greatly enhance the quality and effectiveness of educational materials, making them more engaging, accessible, and tailored to the needs of learners. There are tons of tools you can use to create content, help you teach a course, or market your books. All you have to do is try them out!