Many of you write romance that includes scenes that range from explicit to implicit. For you, I have this little nugget I came across the other day on Quora, which you may particularly enjoy if your romance takes place in the 19th century.
During the 19th century, prostitutes had a little gadget to measure how long they would have sex with a client.
It was known as “Short Time Sales“.
You see, it turns out that when it was time to take a client to a room, they lit some small candles. Said candles were made to burn for 5-7 minutes, and when the flame went out, it meant the customer’s time was up.
When I read this, I remembered how Jodie Foster in ‘Taxi Driver’ lit a cigarette and left it burning in an ashtray when De Niro paid a visit. No matter how much things change, they remain the same, it seems…
I read on a Facebook post recently how candles were used as alarm clocks. Nails in the candle at strategic positions would fall onto a tin tray to wake the sleeper.
Knowing my luck, one would overbalance the candle and set fire to something.
Lol – hadn’t thought of that but yeah, I imagine that having lit candles everywhere was a definite fire hazard!