With audiobooks gaining in popularity, it makes sense that audio marketing is seeing a surprising resurgence as a means of promoting one’s books. This is a general trend, as Transcription Outsourcing reports. In its article, they explain that audio still has the ability to emotionally connect with listeners and leave a lasting impression.

Accordingly, audio markets have been steadily increasing over the last decade. Podcasts, audiobooks, and streaming services are becoming increasingly popular as customers explore ways to multitask or access content on the go.

With the advent of fashionable Clubhouse, an invitation-only audio-chat iPhone app, and Twitter’s own voice-focused social, Environments, a flood of social audio quickly took over in the last year.

As both authors and companies become more aware of the power of audio, they can begin to incorporate it into their marketing campaigns, giving their books a voice and allowing them to communicate with consumers through interactions that are unlike any other medium.