Between the restless 5-year-old and my SEO copywriting, I haven’t done much fiction writing in ages. That’s why this guest post by Tracie Johnson appealed to me. Tracie is a New Jersey native and an alum of Penn State University. She is passionate about writing, reading, and living a healthy lifestyle. She feels happiest when around a campfire surrounded by friends, family, and her Dachshund named Rufus. You can contact Tracie on Twitter.

3 Tips: How to Be Productive After Work

Productive writing | From the blog of Nicholas C. Rossis, author of science fiction, the Pearseus epic fantasy series and children's book

After a hard day’s work at your day job, it can be hard to find the energy for some quality fiction writing. While regaining your energy doesn’t happen overnight, there are some effective tricks you can try to get the most out of life. Here are three effective ways to have more energy after work!

1. The Nature Route

Nature is beautiful. There’s no doubt about that, but beyond that, it may not seem like it could be all that helpful.

Well, that’s not true. Nature can do a lot for you if you know how to use it to your benefit. For example, natural sunlight has been shown to improve productivity and promote mental clarity.

It’s great that you can improve your ability to work by simply letting in some sunshine. Now, you have to consider a few things like making sure all screens are anti-glare ones. This will ensure you can still work as the sunlight hits your screen.

In addition to more sunlight, you should also try to bring more nature into the office. This means investing in natural plants that could survive indoors. You don’t want to deal with plants that need much upkeep as this can get time-consuming and costly. You should look for plants that can do pretty well on their own. This will keep plant maintenance low.

The good thing is that sunlight makes it easier to keep plants inside. A little more nature can improve productivity as well, and it helps beautify your office at the same time, so that’s a win for everyone.

2. Time Clocks

Time can change the way we approach tasks. When a task isn’t timed, people tend to, well, take their time.

Feeling like you’ve got all the time in the world to work on something is a double-edged sword: while it could help you pay more attention to a particular task, it can also work against you.

Some people don’t work as hard if they aren’t timed. Enter time clocks. They help monitor the way you use your time, and they also help prevent unauthorized overtime. The time clock lets you see how long you’ve been working, which should help you concentrate on performing as effectively as possible. Not only will you have more energy at the end of the day, but you will also get more tasks done.

If you’re using a time clock as an employer, you may use some additional features, such as biometric sign-ins, that are available with the more efficient time clocks out there. This tool ensures only authorized people can sign in and out. The device uses fingerprint data or facial recognition to ensure the employee signing in is the real one and not a friend trying to cover for his or her tardiness.

3. Touch of Warmth

Another thing you can do to increase your productivity is crank up the heat a little bit. The correct temperature in an office has always been a debatable subject. Some people are so cold they bring sweaters or jackets to work or smuggle a heater to put under their feet. In other offices, people feel so hot that they end up sweating bullets throughout the day.

You don’t want either situation. The temperature problem could distract you, and that will lead to reduced productivity. Things can get so bad that they might lead to mistakes, draining both your energy levels and wallet.

The good news is that there’s a simple way to prevent mistakes connected to an uncomfortable temperature. What you need to do is leave the temperature at 77 degrees. This is definitely not cold, and it’s only a few notches above room temperature. The warmth should help you feel comfortable at work and improve both your productivity and post-work energy levels.

These are three easy routes you can take to improve productivity, both in the office and after work. Happy writing!