This is a guest post by Arslan Hassan. Arslan is an electrical engineer with a passion for writing, designing, and anything tech-related. His educational background in the technical field has given him the edge to write on many topics. He occasionally writes blog articles for Dynamologic Solutions, a software development company.
The Highs and Lows of Writing Books
For a writer, a book is not only a manifestation of their imagination but an entity with a life of its own. By writing and publishing a book, the writer hopes for a sense of pride and accomplishment.
These highs, unfortunately, are almost always accompanied by lows such as writer’s block and self-doubt. Even if your manuscript is downright amazing, it could be years before a publishing house agrees to publish your book. Eight publishing houses rejected J.K.Rowling, reigning queen of authors, before the first Harry Potter book was published.
If writing is your passion as well as the primary source of your sustenance, then you need to manage the lows and capitalize on the highs.
The Highs Of Writing Books
Personal Fulfilment
A published book is a dream-come-true for many people. Thousands write manuscripts, but only a lucky few get to see their work in print. Once published, you are considered a real author, thus opening doors for further opportunities.
Enjoy the Limelight
Being an author lets you step into the limelight. The public knows you, especially the readers, and they follow what you write. It can offer popularity and even stardom!
The Editing Process
Giving the book a physical shape is a two-way process. It involves both the writer and the publishing agency. Usually, publishers provide writers with certain freedom, letting them choose aspects such as the cover design or the print layout.
Pre-Launch Interviews On Various Forums
A book writer can give interviews on various forums like social media, print media, television, and radio. The author is invited by different channels and programs to talk about their publication or participates in a show to get higher rankings.
The Launch Day
The launch day of a book is a big day for the writers. In an ideal scenario, the writer gets full coverage on the launch day and is fully supported by a great team, sponsors, volunteers who set up books and décor the hall, receive guests and serve refreshments, do photography or shoot video… and also handle the cash from all those sales.
Book reviews give a sense of satisfaction to its writer. Good or bad, reviews can help improve an author’s writing style. Popularity may give you money and fame, but critical acclamation increases your standing as a writer. If your book gets acknowledged by your peers, then you not only feel good, but it also makes you eligible for awards and other accreditations.
The writers are invited to attend literary festivals. These provide a great platform for talking about your book, connecting with readers, and meeting other writers of various niches.
Arts And Shop Galleries
Local bookstores, art shops, and galleries often support writers. Usually, the owners of such shops arrange ‘meet the author’ day there and allow writers of different niches to sit and engage with visitors.
The Lows
Writing and publishing a book is fun and can bring the author in the limelight, but also come with certain lows. Some of them are:
Reaching The Market
Reaching the market is not that simple, especially if the writer is new in the field. When you have completed the book and want to get it published, you need to do proper market research and collect information about trustworthy and well-resourced publishing companies. Opt for a press company that can bring enthusiasm to your project and has enough resources and budget, no matter what their size.
Distribution Issues
Distribution is a dark part of publishing a book. It is essential in the publication journey, and if not handled properly, it can ruin book sales and popularity.
Critical Reviews
Getting reviews is also another big challenge for writers, especially new ones. Critical acclamation is hard since peers hold new authors to a high standard. One bad review from a credible critic can damage your credentials.
Reader reviews are also critical. With the advancements in content marketing, it takes readers a second to post online reviews. If a few post negative reviews, it doesn’t take long for others to join the bandwagon.
Stolen Copies
Black Market refers to an illegal sale of various goods or services. With pirated ebooks so easy to distribute, the author doesn’t get any royalty and essentially doesn’t get paid for their product.
Tips Before Publishing A Book
If you are new to the writing industry and plan to publish your book soon, here are a few tips to get you started:
- When your book is ready, don’t be in a hurry to get it published. Send it to your beta-readers first and get it fine-tuned.
- Find out blogs and publications that can help you get reviews for your book.
- Arrange a press release and as much marketing as you can muster two weeks before the launch date.
- You can also engage media interviews to bring your book into the limelight before the launch.
- Collect information about festivals, book fairs, and other events near you and check if you can get a presence there.
- Local bookstores are excellent places to ask if they will let you sell your book there. You can also approach arts and craft shops. Libraries are another option.
The Verdict
For writers, it is like a dream come true when they see their words printed on paper and people appreciate them. However, from reaching a trustworthy publisher to discovering effective distribution channels, the journey to success can be long. Your best bet to succeed is to persevere!
Thank you!
Glad you enjoyed it 🙂
Lots of very good stuff here. Thanks Nicholas.
Thank you, John! Glad you enjoyed it 🙂