I regularly read more than one books at the same time. However, I also complain about my lack of reading time a lot, so I was curious to see some tips on how to improve my reading skills! This is a guest post by Ellie Chapman, a content writer who loves to read several books simultaneously, writes articles and travels when she can. She likes to help young men and women to become experts in the literary field. Whenever she is not at Brill Assignment or engaging her pen, she loves to spend quality time with her family.

5 Simple Rules For Finding Time to Read

There is a saying that “leaders are readers” and that a person who reads has the tendency to succeed more than a person who doesn’t have time for books or literary materials. Information is power. This is so because it brings about transformation and progress for individuals, groups, and the nation as a community. There are several ways to acquire information: we can listen, watch, read etc.

Over time, the question “how much information brings about positive transformation?” becomes important. In this regard, the need for information can be likened to a competitive game in which the players are those who actually desire to achieve great heights in life. Reading is great! But how can you find the time you need to read, let alone read more than one book at a time? Also, why do you read, what do you read, how do you read it, and where do you read it?

Some people believe they can’t actually read two books at the same time, while others think they can go as far as reading three books or even more all at once. What’s their secret?

1. Be defined

To-do list | From the blog of Nicholas C. Rossis, author of science fiction, the Pearseus epic fantasy series and children's booksThe notion of the complexity involved in multi-tasking is not insurmountable. Reading is easier than it seems. All you have to do is to be defined. “Defined” here refers to arranging your schedule in an orderly manner. Let’s say you want to read two books in a week or month depending on your choice. Include the title and specific time on your to-do list. For example, “The Steel Bankeress” by M. M. Fahm during siesta at 12 pm and “A Heaven For Toasters” by Nicholas C. Rossis at 8 pm. Doing this gives you a routine and a defined schedule. The fact is, if you consciously adhere to this schedule–reading noon and night–at the end of your week (or month) you will have successfully read two books.

2. Be disciplined

Achieving a goal requires discipline. It is one task to create a to-do list, it is another task to strictly adhere to it. Discipline involves handling distractions, obstructions, inflections, and other activities that might prevent you from accomplishing your goal. For instance, the time you set aside to read might be when you have a visitor, a friend’s birthday party, a football match, an assignment or other contingencies.

Discipline works hand in hand with time management. As a matter of fact, only the disciplined are good and successful time managers. To be able to achieve your outlined goals, you must be able to handle distractions. This kind of discipline can fall into one of two categories:

  • Internal discipline:

It is also called self-control. This has to do with you as a person. Your ability to consciously restrain yourself from engaging in activities that would serve as a hindrance to you achieving your set goals.

  • External discipline:

The external form of discipline has to do with your reaction to external factors which may pose as distractions or hindrances to achieving your goal of reading.

3. Do a creative blend

Reading, especially reading more than one book at a time, can become tasking and sometimes boring, especially when you are reading books on the same genre, themes, topics etc. In this regard, it is advisable to always do a creative blend. For example, have a mixed schedule. You could read something on fiction in the morning, poetry in the evening, drama at noon etc. Exploring books on various themes is also a good way to sustain your interest in reading. It goes a long way in helping you achieve your goal to read several books within a stipulated period.

4. Keep books within your reach

Another way to successfully achieve your goal of reading multiple books is to always keep books within your reach. Having a schedule is good but proximity and availability of the books you have set out to read are also very important. Any time you want to read a book, ensure the book is readily available and within your reach. If you cannot get the hard copy, try as much as possible to get the soft copy on your mobile device or any other eBook reader. Unavailability of your books could also serve as an excuse or hindrance.

5. Don’t force it

Don't force it | From the blog of Nicholas C. Rossis, author of science fiction, the Pearseus epic fantasy series and children's booksApplied knowledge is power and one of the ways to acquire knowledge is by reading. Not just reading but reading with an open and critical mind. However, knowledge is also acquired when reading is done for pleasure. As a matter of fact, knowledge is acquired whenever we read books or other literary materials, even for fun. The thing is we must know how, where and when to accurately apply such knowledge.

Reading is not something that should be forced. It’s not compulsory that you read five books at the same time. Someone else may be able to do that but the foundation of it all is that you understand yourself, your abilities and capabilities. If you are able to successfully read two books simultaneously, then fine. Don’t force it!

Most times when you force a thing, you end up not getting the best of it. Yes, “whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well”. But you also don’t want to waste your time. So, take your time, start with a book or two, and don’t forget to have fun!

More than one book…

Reading one book at a time is good but reading several books simultaneously can also be fun, interesting, and value adding. Though it might look tasking and difficult at first, practice is key. The more you do it, the more you get better at it! If you are thinking of drawing a reading schedule for the week or month, give simultaneous reading a try and you just might be glad you did!