This is a guest post by Jade Anderson is an experienced In-house Editor at Upskilled. With a background in online marketing, Jade runs some successful websites of her own. Her passion for the education industry and content is displayed through the quality of work she offers.
6 Tips for Making a Workspace Conducive to Writing
No matter what type of content you’re writing, whether it’s fiction, investigative journalism, feature pieces or academic articles, the environment that you write in has a big impact on how well you put that piece together. Writing takes skill, for sure, but where you write can affect how you write because if there are distractions in your workplace, your writing is likely to reflect that. As a writer, your workspace should be inspiring and comfortable in equal measure. It should be somewhere you can focus and reflect. Here are five tips for creating the perfect writing workspace.
2. Make Sure You Have Privacy
One criterion for success when it comes to writing is consistency. Often, this means writing something every day. But it also means trying to work in the space every time you write. In order to find a space where you are going to be able to be productive most days, you need to consider the level of privacy you will have. Choose a space where you’re able to be alone with your projects and your thoughts without being distracted by background noise or other people. This can simply mean working in a room in your house that has a door or finding an area where there is little to no foot traffic. Having a private, dedicated area that is yours allows you to have a distraction-free workspace.
3. Consider Your Desk And Chair
How comfortable your desk and chair are, are important factors that affect how productive you are. If you feel cramped or uncomfortable, you’re far more likely to get distracted and want to stop working. Chances are, you’ll be sitting and typing for long stretches of time, so you need a space that is ergonomic. Make sure that your desk and chair are at the right height so you don’t have to strain or hunch to work on your computer. You need a chair that will support your back and encourage good posture. As for your desk, it must provide enough space for everything you need.
4. Declutter
It is hard to work amongst clutter. Physical clutter can cause mental clutter, leaving us feeling distracted and unfocused. Getting rid of unnecessary mess and creating a clutter-free space is one of the key steps in creating an environment conducive to writing. While decluttering can take some time and hard work, it pays off. Set aside a day to declutter the space you wish to work in and decide what items you will throw out, what you’ll donate, and what you’ll keep. If you have furniture, files or belongings that you want to keep but don’t necessarily need right now, consider putting these things into storage. Using community storage is an affordable and convenient option should you find yourself in this situation.
5. Make It Yours
Your workspace is a space for you. You want it to reflect your personality and to be a place where you feel comfortable and at home. While you shouldn’t fill it with personal belongings that may be distracting or cause clutter, you should put some effort into personalizing the area. This can be with artwork, photos or other decorative features that you feel express your personality. As a writer, you may wish to personalize your space by filling it with your favorite books or quotes from your favorite authors!
6. Go For Natural Light
Regardless of your industry, natural light has been proven to impact productivity. The sun boosts your mood, gives you energy, and can stimulate creativity. For these reasons, natural light is particularly important for writers. If you’re working from home, it might be difficult to find a room with natural light to work in. However, even if you can work in front of a window or in a room with a skylight, this is better than nothing. Adequate light is important no matter what time of the day. If you’re working into the evenings, ensure that you have artificial lighting so you can read and write without straining your eyes.
7. Have What You Need On Hand
In order to work productively in your workspace, you should have everything you need to work on hand and ready to go. In the digital age, this might mean having all your tech accessories, chargers, and screens neatly arranged by your desk so they are easily accessible at all times. For writers, having two screens can be particularly useful. This allows you to have multiple windows open if you are researching and writing at the same time. If you still like the traditional pen-to-paper method when you’re figuring out your ideas, ensure you have plenty of supplies at hand in your desk drawers or on your desk.
Nicholas, I’m sharing this post on Monday. Thanks!
Yay! Thank you 😀
Another awesome share. Thank you, Jade and Nicholas! 🙂
Thank you so much, Natalie 🙂
Thanks for these great tips. I’ll probably share this post in the coming weeks when I have time. My work space has been basically my bedroom and bed, and I’m hoping that changes in the near future. I’d like a nice study room with a decent desk and chair. I like the ideas of pictures and artwork on the walls and my favorite books in a bookcase nearby. Hopefully, I’ll have this some day soon. 🙂
May you have it sooner than you can possibly imagine 🙂
Thank you, Nicholas. 🙂
Well, I have a great office space, but the life is on the other side of the door. Pets clawing at the door competing for attention seems to be a universal thing. Then, there is the natural light thing that I lack, because I’m a night owl and write at night.
I spend so much time in the basement where my office is, I sometime joke I’m a vampire. Which explains why I hate garlic 😀
I have everything except complete privacy, as my office doesn’t have a door and the wall has a lovely opening that my cats love to hang out on. Even if I had a door and closed wall, my cats’ scratching/loud meows at the door would be very distracting. Besides, don’t most authors have their cats beside them when writing?
Mine conspire to prevent me from spending all day sitting down by scratching to go out/come in/get water/more food/scratch my belly now 😀
LOL Do you mean typical cat duties?
Doodies, more likely 😀
WelI have a great chair and desk, but failed on all the rest! 🙂
Best wishes, Pete.
Lol-you and everyone else I know. Well, my chair isn’t so great, either 😀