This is a guest post by Roxanne Bracknell, a writer and designer who writes on a variety of topics including business & marketing, food & health, and fashion & lifestyle. The infographic below was originally posted on eCardShack.
We all hate rejection. But it doesn’t have to define us. Here are seven people who ignored critics and defied expectations to become some of the most successful people around!
Just proves the powers that be aren’t as smart as they think they are.
Wise words 🙂
LOVED this, thanks!
So glad to hear it 😀
Thank you, Nicholas. Excellent post, Roxanne
So glad you enjoyed it, John 🙂
Just verified this. J. K. Rowling’s first manuscript had 12 rejections.
Thanks for the fact-check 🙂
How mind blowing are these. Never give up hope. 😀
There’s hope for us yet 🙂
Stephen King 30 times rejected Wow! So good post!
So glad to hear that 🙂
The rejection of The Beatles is a music-industry legend now. Imagine the red faced executive who made that decision! 🙂
Best wishes, Pete.
Didn’t he sign on the Rolling Stones instead?
They did start out on Decca, I believe.
I have to check my memory (i.e. the missus). Or Google it. Although I trust the missus more.
There are six people I never knew were rejected in this list. Steve Jobs is the only exception. Great post!
Does put things in perspective, doesn’t it? 🙂
It sure does!