January 3rd marked Tolkien’s twelfty-sixth (126th) birthday. I apologize for not being here to celebrate and raise the customary toast to the Professor. To make it up to you, I’m sharing here some Tolkien-inspired memes that never fail to crack me up. Enjoy!
And my favorite,
Really fun, Nicholas! A great way to celebrate the Professor’s birthday. Maybe a lembas birthday cake?
Just a bite for me, please 😀
Elves seem to be able to walk between the raindrops. They never get soiled. The dirt wouldn’t dare light on them.Great post, Nicholas. 😀 — Suzanne
Lol-thanks you, Suzanne 😀
The perfect coif is important when warmongering! 😀
My feelings exactly 😀
Haha, that last meme is perfect! I do have one critique about the lembas commercial, however. Making a product that fills the stomach of a grown man with one small bite is a seriously flawed business strategy. You won’t sell enough product if one bit is enough to fill people up! Real lembas would have to be considerably less effective to be profitable.
Lol-well, the hobbits did eat 4 of them each 😀
So perhaps they’re not as filling as Legolas’ advert would have us believe!
Who knew false advertising has been around for so long…
‘Everyone get your hair done. We’re going to war.” Gave me a chuckle. 🙂
I loved that one 😀
Or, Is it nice, my preciousss? Is it juicy? Is it scrumptiously crunchable? ?
Fabulous post! As someone constantly musing on my own world-building, I especially liked the one about going through all that trouble with the languages and then naming the mountain Mt. Doom. I never thought about it but yeah, a bit simple there, wasn’t he? On the other hand, maybe you could say it had other names in the various Elven and Dwarvish tongues… which all translated to “mountain of doom.” 🙂
Lol-my favorite one was the last one, to be honest. Just how much time do those elves spend in the bathroom, anyway? 😀
That’s a good one, too. In my world, the elite of the Pyanni Empire (not elves, but close enough) have developed a wide range of low-level spells for fancy hair dos, body and hair coloring, floating headpieces, and other decorations. Can’t be seen looking plain as a peasant, even when heading to war. 🙂
Nice! I love magic being used properly 😀
Lol, wonderful post, Nicholas. Had me chuckling away – especially loved the one which says: ‘creates a whole language for elves (but) names mountain, Mt Doom – you’d think he would have come up with something a wee bit better. Love Tolkien’s work 🙂
Yay–thanks 😀
LOL!!! Oh goodness! I love everything in this post!!
Lol-thanks 😀
That was pretty fun. Ha ha.The last two are my favs. Thanks for the laugh, Nicholas. 🙂
Mine too 😀
I have only ever read The Hobbit, and never seen any of the films. Is that a record? 🙂
Best wishes, Pete.
Lol-probably 😀
Love it! 😀
Same here 😀
Happy Birthday, Tolkien! May your amazing works never lose their magic. 🙂
Hear, hear 🙂