I usually don’t speak on this day, preferring to post a simple image to show how I feel. This, I do out of respect. Our of sorrow. Out of a profound lack of words.
This year, I’ll only share one thing. The thought that popped into my head the moment I was told that an airplane had crashed into the Twin Towers, as I was walking into our graphic designer’s office.
And so, it begins.
That was whispered into my ear, making my skin crawl. I turned around, but there was no one behind me.
We still hadn’t turned on the TV, so I thought at first the airplane had crashed into the towers in a freak accident. I couldn’t understand the meaning of these words. When we started watching the news, I realized it was much more than that. And when the second airplane hit the towers, time froze for me. I sat down, hand over gaping mouth, a crushing feeling of helplessness weighing on my chest.
I’m still unsure as to what began that day. But I have faith that the evil that was unleashed that day won’t triumph for long.
I am part of that power which eternally wills evil and eternally works good.
Mephistopheles, Faust
Hm-m … that was kinda my thought too … and I was on the other side of the world at the time. (Australia)
… I think the ‘it’ was a heads-up to bullies (of all stripes, from schoolyards to corporations to governments) that they just might be able to get away with all those vile acts they’d been burying away in the slimy pits of their darkest desires.
Nice way of putting it!
All people in the world remember this day. Thank you for writing about that.
Thank you, Yanev, and welcome to my blog!
That day is permanently etched in my mind. I still feel the sensation of my heart being ripped out, of a tremendous anger, the deepest sadness, the horrific realization of this evil unleashed. It was the beginning of a new era, certainly for the US, but for the whole world. Thanks for posting.
Thank you for sharing that, Michelle.
It was so traumatic, Nicholas, and life changing for millions if we include the subsequent wars and conflict. The impact of that one event will last for generations.
I’m afraid so.
Thank you Nicholas… I am here in NYC where I was the day evil struck. The sky was startling blue and cloudless – so unassuming. Love your quote from Faust.
Thank you for sharing that, Luna!
Thank you for sharing this, Nicholas! A most profound moment in time that we will never forget!
Thank you so much, Patricia.
This is one of those days when we all remember where we were as it happened. Many of those who lost their lives were not only young but internationals. It didn’t just affect one country but most of the world. —- Suzanne
It really did, Suzanne. Thank you!
You said it so well. Thank you for sharing your sorrowful memories.
Thank you, Kelly!
That was an act of the greatest evil by minds twisted that way on purpose.. If you’re talking nuclear you must mean North Korea where all minds have been taught to obey just one mind who I hope wouldn’t risk his whole country being obliterated if he dared attack.
Let us hope so, David. Kim is certifiably nuts 🙁
Vivid image. Skin crawling memory. Yes what that unleashed has yet to play out.
I keep dreaming about nuclear explosions. I wonder what that means. Sigh…