I have mentioned my author friend John Logsdon a number of times in this blog. Not only is he a book marketing guru who has helped me a lot with my own books, he has also been developing ReaderLinks; a website to help Indies in their everyday struggle to sell more books.
As John is a hugely successful Indie author himself, he has developed ReaderLinks to cover all of our needs: It includes a Book Calendar; a Sales Tracker; Tweet Management; a Global Links tool; and many more tools.
I’ve been part of his beta-testers for the past few months and I’m excited that the project has now reached the point where the launch build is ready. Check it out and subscribe to be notified when it launches! You can find out more by watching the video below.
The Author Helper
Except for developing ReaderLinks, John has also been sharing his expertise in a closed Facebook group called The Author Helper, which I’ve also been part of. Well, the great news is that the guys over at The Author Helper just opened up their Facebook Page to authors. You can find plenty of free and excellent book marketing advice there. The community has some big indy names in it, so you’ll be in good company! Join the Author Helper group on Facebook.
This sounds brilliant will have to investigate. 🙂
I’m glad you thought so 🙂
Everything in one place… I like the sound of that! ?
I still don’t get why Amazon can’t get it right, but until they do, it’s good to have people like John who know what authors need 🙂
Well, the authors aren’t so important to Amazon as it’s customers. I think that’s where their investment goes. Indie authors are ten a penny these days, Amazon will never have trouble finding authors.
Thanks, Nicholas. This might be the ticket for me. I get so bogged down with stuff, and I only have one book. Hopefully, this is affordable and will move me in the right direction, when it comes to marketing.
I certainly hope so! 🙂
Thanks Nicolas! Always helpful tips from you! The best support for your followers! ? Christine
Aw, you! Thank you 😀
Thank you! Great post!
Thank you, Luna! I’m so glad you thought so 🙂
Hi Nicholas,
Thanks for the heads up and all the useful tips you share!
That’s so sweet of you, Elle! Haven’t spoken in a while; how’re you doing?
I’d say you were my first Reader Link! I keep coming back for useful tips I mean to implement…when I have…just… etc
Thanks Nicholas
Lol – I know the feeling 😀
You are always so helpful with your tips, links, and suggestions.
Many thanks, Nicholas.
Best wishes, Pete.
Thank you so much, Pete! It means a lot hearing you say that 🙂