Readers of my blog will have come across author Charles E. Yallowitz. Charles is a regular here and one of the most prolific authors I know, best known for his epic fantasy series, Legends of Windemere. One of the more memorable characters his fertile imagination has birthed is Ichabod Brooks; a renowned, yet reluctant, adventurer who takes jobs to put bread on the table. Charles has just released eleven of Icabod’s stories in an anthology aptly titled, “The Life And Times Of Ichabod Brooks.”
Spend your summer with Ichabod Brooks in this 11-story collection! $2.99 on Amazon!
Enter the world of Windemere with 11 action-adventure short stories featuring a man who is out to make an honest living.
Some heroes seek fame. Some seek fortune. Others simply want to save the world. Ichabod Brooks only wants to put food on the table for his family.
Known and respected as the man who can get any job done, Ichabod has seen his share of adventure. Most of which have been highly exaggerated by bards. Still, the man has his famous reputation for a reason. Whether it be climbing a temperamental mountain for eggs or escorting orphans to their new homes, Ichabod takes every job seriously and makes sure he is as prepared as he can be. Not that it helps since things always take a turn for the worse.
Available on Amazon!
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Excerpt: Preparing for Galaces
“Is this any way to greet an old friend?” a dwarf in dark gray chainmail asks before plugging his ears with his dark red beard. Wanting the bard to stop, the mountaineer marches over and puts a hand over the young woman’s mouth. “Are you supposed to use her as bait? I did hear there’s a hobgoblin pack that moved in a few months ago. You know how those drooling scavengers love elf flesh.”
“Sorry about that, Dex. She latched on at my last stop and I haven’t been able to shake her off,” Ichabod replies, shaking his guide’s hand. He rubs his own black and white beard at the sight of how his friend shows no sign of graying. “I have to give this one credit for tenacity, but this is where we part ways. Galaces Mountain is not a place to go unless you have experience, an excellent guide, and common sense. So far, I don’t see you having any of those things and I’m not going to babysit.”
“I must go. That’s the only way I can write about your newest adventure,” the bard insists, unwittingly proving Ichabod right. She crosses her arms and meets the icy stare of the dwarf, who she considers leaving out of her tale. “Being the first to speak of your climb will help my reputation. I promise not to cause any trouble and pull my own weight. Elves are graceful and agile, which makes us perfect companions for whatever it is you’re doing. Besides, Galaces Mountain doesn’t look like that bad a climb. The stories must be nothing more than colorful exaggerations.”
Ichabod puts on a pair of white-palmed gloves and slips a blue band on his finger, a charge going through his body to enhance his lungs. “I suddenly relate very well to this mountain. Take a look at the empty space between us and Galaces. You’ll see why this place has earned a reputation.”
The bard puts her lute over her shoulder and walks to the yellow rope, which sparks with a mild magic. At first, she is unsure of what she is supposed to pay attention to among the shrubs and fallen rocks. It takes the elf a few minutes to recognize weather worn bones sticking out from under a boulder. The limbs are splayed since the climber plummeted with the rough stone pressed against his back and the landing embedded him in the ground. Knowing what to look for, the bard realizes that there are at least ten old corpses hidden by the mountain’s litter. The bard spots the fresh body of a yellow-skinned creature sitting behind a shrub, the armored creature crumpled from landing butt first after its fall. She is about to ask a question when a small pain runs up her arm and she collapses into a magical slumber.
“Guess that’s more humane than knocking her on the head,” Dex mentions while Ichabod carries the young woman to the dwarf’s cart. He shields his eyes as he stares at the churning clouds that have been trapped around the peak. “Looks like the eagles captured a storm beneath their nest this year. Means the winds are going to be brutal and the tunnels are infested with horned spiders and revelers. Not going to be an easy trip. Sure, you don’t want someone else to take this contract?”
“I’d love to hand this off to someone else, but Chef Zyrk always insists that I take the job. I have no injuries, diseases, or family events, so I’m here,” Ichabod replies, sheathing his sleep-inducing shortsword. As an afterthought, he grabs a horse blanket and tosses it over the bard to hide her from view. “The Starwind Eagles lay eggs every ten years and now is the time to get to them. Wait any longer and the mountain will be crawling with hunters. A youngster wouldn’t know that or have you as a guide.”
The dwarf grins as he lifts the rope and gestures for his friend to lead the way. “They also don’t have your wife making deals that you can’t say no to. She mentioned that you’re getting three times the usual pay because this baby is going to be prepared for Duke Solomon’s wedding. Personally, I’m looking forward to your wife’s cooking after this. Surprised your gut isn’t huge considering that woman can make a pot roast even the gods would praise. Did you happen to bring some of her dishes for the road?”
“I can cook too, you know.”
“You can bake, Ichabod. Not the same as cooking in my book.”
“So you don’t want the cookies I brought.”
“Oatmeal and cranberry?”
“With a touch of cinnamon.”
About the Author:
Charles Yallowitz was born and raised on Long Island, NY, but he has spent most of his life wandering his own imagination in a blissful haze. Occasionally, he would return from this world for the necessities such as food, showers, and Saturday morning cartoons. One day he returned from his imagination and decided he would share his stories with the world. After his wife decided that she was tired of hearing the same stories repeatedly, she convinced him that it would make more sense to follow his dream of being a fantasy author. So, locked within the house under orders to shut up and get to work, Charles brings you Legends of Windemere. He looks forward to sharing all of his stories with you, and his wife is happy he finally has someone else to play with.
Twitter: @cyallowitz
Facebook: Charles Yallowitz
Wishing Charles much success with his new book. Lovely feature. 🙂
Thank you, Debby 🙂
Most welcome. 🙂
Good luck with your new adventure. Sounds interesting.
I’m reading it at the moment. It’s pretty great!
I wish Charles every success with his book. Here’s to massive sales!
Best wishes, Pete.
Hear, hear (raising leftover wine glass from previous post) 🙂
Just opening a celebratory Australian Shiraz. It’s Charles’ fault, of course! 🙂
The Aussies share some blame, too, for making lovely, yet affordable, wines.
Damn those Australian wine-makers for allowing me to imbibe, I say!
Don’t forget those dastardly Californians and Chileans, too. And don’t even get me started on the French. Of course, it’s us Greeks who started it all, so…
Hmm, Mavrodaphne. When you fancy something sweet…
Impressive! You sure know your wines 🙂
I should do, considering how many I have tried! I never took to Retsina though. Too much like drinking glue. My first wife loved it though.
It’s an acquired taste, much like ouzo.
I love Ouzo. And Pernod.
There you have it. One acquired taste at a time 😀
Congratulations on your new book. Wishing you much success with it.
Congrats on your latest release, Charles – continued success to you!
Thanks for the post. Great intro.
I mean every word 🙂
😀 Thanks again.