This post is part of a Harmony Kent’s 4Wills Publishing tour to celebrate the release of her latest book, Moments

Moments, by Harmony Kent | From the blog of Nicholas C. Rossis, author of science fiction, the Pearseus epic fantasy series and children's books


Hello, everyone, and welcome to my 4Wills Publishing book blast release tour. Today, I’m celebrating the release of my eighth book! Moments is a collection of short stories and poetry and brings together much of my imagination that has been scattered around for a while, lols. On each of today’s seven posts, you will find a different book excerpt … enjoy!

About the book:

Moments, by Harmony Kent | From the blog of Nicholas C. Rossis, author of science fiction, the Pearseus epic fantasy series and children's books

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Take a moment to delve into tales from the dark side, have fun with fantasy, dabble in dystopia, and court danger in a little science fiction.

These tales touch upon death, grieving, war, fresh starts, hope, courage, change, choices, and encouragement.

And then, after all that, you’ll find the poems.

From the lonely echoes of an empty house to the soaring heights of unexpected love and joy and learning to live as free as clouds and water.

For each of us, a moment encompasses a lifetime and, yet, passes in but the blink of an eye. In but a moment, everything can change. And in this very moment, life beckons in all its potentiality.

When the shadows fall, what will you do?


Moments, by Harmony Kent | From the blog of Nicholas C. Rossis, author of science fiction, the Pearseus epic fantasy series and children's books

(From Fresh Tracks)

I picked up a log in each hand and chucked them into the dark but dry space. A splinter snagged my finger when I grabbed another one, and I cursed at the sting. A drop of blood stained the snow a deep crimson. I froze. My mind catapulted back to that night. All that blood.


My breath hitched, and I startled. A man’s voice. I jerked my head up and searched the near horizon. There. On the edge of the treeline. He stood so heavily bundled up that I couldn’t make much out, but he stayed still and waved—not venturing any closer. What should I do?

The snow was supposed to keep everyone away. Did I know him?

He called again, ‘Hello?’

Nope, didn’t recognise that voice. Never heard it before. Was that blessing or time for terror? I planted my hands on my hips, so I stood akimbo, and then I stared at the newcomer. All manners and sense seemed to have sunk into the slushy mess at my feet. The man dropped his hand.

A couple of seconds dragged by, and then he pulled his scarf from his face and pooled it at the base of his throat; next to go was his hat. A shock of thick brown hair blew on the slight breeze, and vivid green eyes watched me. ‘Are you okay, Miss?’

My heart beat, my lungs dragged in another biting breath of air, and my brain unfroze. It was just a man. ‘Hi’, I said, but it came out more tentative than I’d wanted.

He took a hesitant step forward. ‘I’m sorry to intrude.’ After another silent stare-off, he asked, ‘May I approach?’

‘Sure. Yes, of course. I’m sorry. Where are my manners?’ From mute to babbling. I’m stronger than this. No—I used to be. Now, I don’t know what I am. Damn him for making me have to decide again.

At a slow gait, he waded through the snow until he got to about three feet away, and then he stopped and stood looking at me. I forced a smile. ‘Hi. I’m Grace.’ All the while my fingers twitched and my eyes locked greedily onto the axe, which glinted in the low winter sun all the way across at the wood pile.

Thanks so much for stopping by!

To buy Moments, please go to AMAZON US or AMAZON UK.

Author Bio and Links:

Harmony Kent | From the blog of Nicholas C. Rossis, author of science fiction, the Pearseus epic fantasy series and children's booksIndie Author Harmony Kent is an award-winning multi-genre author. Her publications include:

  • The Battle for Brisingamen (Fantasy Fiction) AIA approved
  • The Glade (Mystery/Thriller) AIA Approved/BRAG Medallion Honouree / New Apple Literary Awards Official Selection Honours 2015
  • Elemental Earth (YA Fantasy Fiction)
  • Polish Your Prose: Essential Editing Tips for Authors (Writing/Editing) New Apple Literary Awards Top Medallist Honours 2015
  • Finding Katie (Women’s Fiction)
  • Slices of Soul (Contemporary Poetry)
  • Interludes (Erotic Romance short stories)
  • Moments (Short Stories and Poetry)

As well as being an avid reader and writer, Harmony also offers editing, proofreading, manuscript appraisal, and beta reading services.  As well as reviewing and supporting her fellow indie authors, Harmony works hard to promote and protect high standards within the indie publishing arena.  She is always on the look out for talent and excellence, and will freely promote any authors or books who she feels have these attributes.

For all books available from me, check out her author pages at Amazon UK and Amazon US.

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