This is a guest post by Sierra Delarosa. Sierra is a freelance writer, musician and content writer for Global English Editing.
11 Science-Backed Ways Writing Improves Your Mind, Body, and Spirit
For many of us, writing is a practical tool. We use it to communicate our thoughts, ideas, and experiences with other people, usually through email and social media. However, considerable scientific research is showing that writing has exciting health and wellness benefits too.
When you write you let go of pent up stress and sorrow, which is a positive way to release these emotions.
When you write expressively and honestly about your experiences and how you feel, you can also notice patterns of how certain emotional conflicts arise, giving you insight into the source and nature of your malfunctions.
Among the many benefits of writing, you become a better communicator, your immune system is boosted, blood pressure is reduced, and lung function improves. What’s more, expressive writing has been found to help deal with traumatic and upsetting experiences.
In the infographic below, Global English Editing outlines 11 science-backed ways writing improves your mind, body, and spirit.
Writing and blogging has certainly kept my mind active since I retired. But it is the long walks with Ollie that keep me in some kind of physical shape.
Best wishes, Pete.
I hear you 🙂
Great post! Thanks for sharing, Nicholas!
Thank you so much, Mar 🙂
I love this, but the old body disagrees 😀 All the sitting has definitely taken it’s toll. Fortunately I can read on the treadmill or I’d be the shape of my couch.
Lol – tell me about it 😀
I wonder how fiction writing affect the mind/body as well. Food for thought, though.
Let’s hope it’s as good 🙂
Interesting. Now, this seems to direct more about writing about the situation that is connected to whatever the improvement will be. At least on the body part. I wonder if fiction writing has the same effects.
I sure do hope so 🙂