Amazon New Year New Stories | From the blog of Nicholas C. Rossis, author of science fiction, the Pearseus epic fantasy series and children's books

Chris McMullen alerted me to a brand new Amazon initiative that aims at supporting Indie authors: the #PoweredByIndie hashtag. Amazon is encouraging indie authors to use the #PoweredByIndie hashtag on relevant social media posts, namely your own writing resolutions and indie book recommendations. So, be sure to add the tag to any tweets and posts about your Indie books,ย and hopefully they will be featured on Amazon.

Specifically, Amazon has created a landing page for indie authorsโ€™ writing resolutions and recommendations for indie books (itโ€™s worth exploring, as the page includes many books and audio books geared toward writing and publishing):

Also check out regularly the Amazon KDP Facebook page for information straight from the horse’s mouth and various publishing tips:

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